It takes more than a few to run a successful organization. Some do much. So do some. Every bit helps, whether it be serving as an officer or as an admin or as a volunteer.
President: Mitch Elwood
Vice President: Allison Cowley
Treasurer: Shannon
Secretary: Amber Bennet
Communications: Ed Kanet
Shop Foreman: Lynn Dalton
Shop Maintenance: Jim Owens
Website IT: Ed Bennett
Shop Supervisors:
—Greg White
—Rick Williams
—Rob Eldridge
—Wendy Flynn
—Lexi Smith
—Michael Cornelius
Many members volunteer to make the club and its activities successfully. The Semi-Annual Cedar City Rock, Gem, Mineral, & Jewelry Show sponsored by the club would not function without the many volunteers who come forth.
Those who volunteer for a minimum of 8 hours are given a club Coin of Excellence.