Thursday, February 1st, 2024 6:00 pm
For those who couldn’t make it to this meeting’s presentation on Orthoceras, no worries! You can catch up by checking out the content below. A big thank you to everyone who attended; it was a fantastic meeting! (If you’re interested in volunteering to lead a presentation, please utilize the volunteer page!)
The Orthoceras, an ancient cephalopod that graced the Paleozoic seas approximately 370 million years ago. The name, derived from the Greek words for ‘straight horn,’ aptly describes its distinctive, elongated, conical shell. Scientifically classified within the Phylum Mollusca, the Orthoceras belongs to the Class Cephalopoda, Subclass Nautiloidea, and Order Orthocerida.
What sets the Orthoceras apart is its fascinating shell structure. The soft body of this marine creature resided within the large end of its conical shell. Noteworthy features include the siphuncle, a tube running the shell’s length, facilitating jet propulsion and buoyancy control. Size variations were substantial, ranging from less than a centimeter to an impressive 14 feet.
These enigmatic beings were adept hunters, likely preying on trilobites, showcasing the intricacies of Paleozoic marine ecosystems. Fossilization has preserved their remains, and Orthoceras fossils are discovered worldwide, with notable concentrations in Devonian rocks near Erfoud, Morocco.
The Orthoceras timeline spans from the Ordovician Period through the Paleozoic Era, demonstrating resilience even surviving the Great Permian Extinction, ultimately meeting extinction during the Triassic Period.
In conclusion, the Orthoceras, with its unique characteristics and evolutionary significance, provides us with valuable insights into the ancient marine world, making each fossil a captivating piece of Earth’s history

Meeting Information:
Gateway Preparatory Academy
201 Thoroughbred Way,
Enoch Utah, 84721
This month’s specimen topic will be Orthoceras Fossils, bring your specimens to show off!
-All are invited, whether you’re an active paid member or just checking it out!
-Show off Your Creations! Bring your projects and workshop masterpieces to share with other members!
-Exclusive Buy-and-Sell Session: Reserved for Current Paid Members, 30 Minutes Post-Meeting
Can’t make it? Join us by Zoom.
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Passcode: 033953